With an active "Handsome Scan" account, you can place a request for scans of both articles and book chapters. Requests are typically filled within 24-48 business hours, depending on the volume of requests.
To place a request for a scan, search for the item from which you would like a scan. In the example below, I am searching for the book, "Tolkien, race and cultural history: from fairies to Hobbits."
If the item is available for scanning, you will see a link on the right side of the item record, "Request Scan of Article/Chapter."
As an alum, click on the "Non-NetID Login" field. If you have already set up an account, log in to proceed with your request.
Note: If you do not have an existing account, please click here for information on registering to use this service as an alumni.
You will be routed to the Scan and Deliver request form. Please provide as much information about your scan request as you can, then hit "Submit Request."
You should receive your scan within 24-48 business hours.
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