Answered By: Kelly Blanchat
Last Updated: Feb 22, 2022     Views: 705

Q: Is there a storage limit for Zotero?
Answered by: Kelly Blanchat

As of February 2022, Yale Library subscribes to unlimited file syncing storage for Zotero, which can be used to store and synchronize the saved files in your Zotero library on different computers. The free version of Zotero allows for 300 MB of storage.

In order to use Yale Library's institutional file storage with Zotero, make sure you have signed up for a Zotero account with your email address

If you previously registered for Zotero with a different email address, you can add your address to your Zotero account for access to unlimited storage.

Verify you have unlimited storage by going to:

  • Settings > Storage > Current Plan

A screenshot of the settings in, showing unlimited storage "quota"

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