Q: I'm unable to download Cisco VPN AnyConnect on a Mac. What do I do?
Answered by: Kelly Blanchat
Note: As of August 2020, affiliates of Yale University and Yale New Haven Hospital can access most of Yale Library's e-resources from off-campus without VPN. See the video below for a demonstration on off-campus access without VPN.
If you need to use VPN and are unable to download the program to your Mac, see below:
Troubleshooting VPN for Mac Users
For Macintosh users, there is often an error that appears after the initial download of Cisco VPN AnyConnect. If you have received a security error, follow these steps to temporarily override install Cisco VPN AnyConnect:
- Re-download Cisco VPN AnyConnect
- Follow your computer prompts
- When the security error, "System Extension Blocked," appears, click the option to "Open Security Preferences" (see image 1)
- If you miss this dialog box, repeat steps 1 & 2
- After you select "Open Security Preferences," your computer's Security & Privacy settings will open
- Under the "General" tab (see image 2):
- Click on "lock" icon in order to make changes, it should now appear "unlocked"
- See the text "System software from developer Cisco was blocked from downloading" and select the "Allow" button
- You will now be able to finish the installation process for Cisco VPN AnyConnect
- Within Cisco, login using your NetID and password.
For more information on logging into Cisco VPN AnyConnect, see:
Image 1:

Image 2: