Serial Set
The Serial Set is comprised of House and Senate documents and reports, Senate executive reports, and Senate treaty documents.
Many details are available from FDLP's U.S. Congressional Serial Set: What It Is and Its History.
The U.S. Congressional Serial Set Finding List is a useful tool for lookups by agency name or SuDoc (Superintendent of Documents classification) number.
Online (Yale only)Online (public access) 1995-present
- U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1789-present (ProQuest Congressional)
- Includes American State Papers, as well as the Serial Set Maps collection
- U.S. Congressional Serial Set, 1817-1980 (Readex)
American State Papers
The American State Papers series (1789-1838) can be seen as the forerunner of the Serial Set. This series fills in the gap from 1789 to the first volume of the Serial Set (1817).
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