Who is allowed in the libraries and reading rooms?


Only Yale students, faculty, and staff approved for return to campus are being admitted to Yale libraries at this time. A valid Yale ID with activated swipe access is required for entry. Special collections reading rooms are open, by appointment only, with the same restrictions and requirements. Please see Question No. 1 for some additional restrictions at certain libraries.

Yale College students who are enrolled remotely do not have access to library buildings and reading rooms. Students who have questions about the status of their campus access should check the Yale Hub. Other patrons with questions about their campus access, including swipe-access to library buildings, should check with their home or sponsoring departments.

The library's priority is to support Yale research, teaching, and learning. We regret that we cannot currently support library access or privileges for alumni and other Yale affiliates or non-Yale visitors at this time. Alumni who have purchased library privileges may apply for a refund by emailing askyalelibrary@yale.edu. We invite the public to visit our digital collections and online exhibitions, and look forward to welcoming back our extended community when circumstances allow.

  • Last Updated Oct 16, 2020
  • Views 486
  • Answered By Sarah Tudesco

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